Monday, October 12, 2009

The Final Countdown

The two most memorable things I learned from class amongst many are “dead foot, dead engine” and something about 45,000 BTU in the janitrool. I’m sure that knowing these will be helpful later in my career.

I liked the field trip out to the hangar. It really helped register information and draw a better picture of the operating systems. I also thought the weight and balance and cross country activities were applicable to real life scenarios. I enjoyed the engine out procedures in the simulator because they gave me a good idea of how to use the checklist and establish a flow. In my opinion, I find classes that don’t use powerpoint more engaging than those that do use it. I zone out when I stare at the screen. I like the old school classroom lecture, where the teacher uses the white board as the primary tool for teaching. Again, that’s just a preference. Though I have to say, the powerpoints in class had some riveting pictures. Group work was beneficial in terms of everybody contributing and learning. It made class more interactive.

Blogging in this class was bad timing for me. Honestly, I blog only to earn a grade for the class. As you can see on my blog page, it is as plain as can be and my blogs sounded like it is a written paper. Essentially, it is. I wouldn’t like reading my own blog if I had to because it has no life in it. If I weren’t a senior loaded with classes and other commitments (and if I had internet at home), I would have more time to read other people’s blogs and blog more often with a bit more personality. That’s what blogging is all about, fun freestyle writing, and not a written novel of answers to questions. Blogging would be a successful learning tool if everybody in class was gungho about it and had the time to make it good. I didn’t read all of the blogs so I guess I didn’t learn much from blogging this time. Maybe next time will be a better experience. As for now, this will be my last blog in a long time.

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